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Installation / Deployment
Note: You must have a {% styles %} and {% scripts %} tag in your page header/footer so that the...
Uploading Images
You have two options for uploading your images, each with different benefits: You can use the "...
Example 6: Add a "Download" Button to the Lightbox
Why? One of our users asked: Endi Hariadi @EndiHariadi43 Sep 28 06:40I want to add a downloa...
Customize your Gallery with CSS!
You can easily add CSS to your page or layout to affect how your gallery looks. How to do so is r...
Adding a Gallery to a Theme with "Blocks"
One of our clients got in touch with us because he was having trouble adding the gallery to a the...
Nothing works! Things to check: Make sure that your layout file has {% styles %} and {% script...
Responsive Full-Screen Gallery with Image Focal Point
The aim is to have a full-screen gallery that works both on desktop as well as mobile devices. Th...
Example 5: Override the component partial
See the live demo for this recipe in action! The official OctoberCMS docs provide an in-depth ex...
Component 6: Gallery Hub
This component loads a list of galleries without actually rendering any galleries. Use this if yo...
Component 5: Image List Only
Use this if you wish to write your own Twig script for displaying your images, and only need a li...
Component 4: Video Gallery
Use this gallery to display videos inline. You can choose to upload your videos to your website o...
Component 3: Pop-up Lightbox
Use this if you wish to add a lightbox-style 'pop-up' gallery to your page that is only shown whe...
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